During gestation, when the fetus (potential child) is in the womb, the soul keeps a sliver of its energy-love-consciousness within the developing physical body. The presence of that soul’s energy-love-consciousness is what keeps the pregnancy going.
Those keenly tuned in and using their soul senses can be aware of that separate energy long before the woman knows consciously that she is pregnant. They can know about the pregnancy even before a woman’s physical body gives off hormones that show up in urine or blood.
This is a simple matter of conscious sensitivity to and awareness of non-physical energy.
Once the physical body comes out of the womb and takes a breath, the newborn child’s free will no longer takes a back to seat the mother’s free will. They are now equal.
That’s because, although helpless and dependent, that breathing crying infant is now a living person. Physical life begins with the breath of life, not at conception.
Thus, the true meaning of abortion is delay, not death.
An abortion is simply the end of a pregnancy, nothing more. It is not physical death because the fetus is not physically alive until it takes in that first life-breath. At that point, soul-energy-consciousness enters more fully into the physical body, although still not entirely.
And abortion cannot kill soul-energy-consciousness. That exists before the physical body comes into being and it survives the death of the physical body.
Soul-energy-consciousness is why we have eternal life, just as many religions maintain. The physical body is not forever. But the soul is.
Souls also have free will that is truly free. And exercising their free will can precipitate pregnancy changes.
If the soul’s energy-love consciousness departs the growing physical body, the pregnancy ends. That’s the spiritual impetus for miscarriage or still birth.
Souls do change their minds. Sometimes they make the no-go choice not long after birth, resulting in an unexplained infant death.
There are, or course, other factors behind miscarriage. Physical catalysts, like injury or fetal abnormality. But the original cause behind any pregnancy ending without an abortion or live birth is the soul’s decision to withdraw from the planned physical life.
Again, more delay, not finality.
Souls that choose not to sustain a pregnancy all the way to a live physical birth still have options, because they always have free will. They can decide not to live in a physical body for the time being. They can choose a different mother and try again to be born into a physical body.
Or the soul can wait until the time is right for the woman to have a child and return. This is what happened in the case of a woman I will call Lori Dell, a pseudonym to keep her name private.
Lori’s experience, outlined below, is from The Afterlife Healing Circle—How Anyone Can Contact the Other Side. I co-authored and published this nonfiction book with my wife a few years before she died.
…At age 19, the Oregon resident [Lori] became pregnant after her birth control failed. With sexual and other abuse in her past, needing very much to do more work on her own healing, Lori was not emotionally equipped at that point to be a parent, and neither was her boyfriend. She did not want to give birth and put the child up for adoption, either. It was simply too much for her, too overwhelming.
Two months after she chose an abortion, Lori was at her boyfriend’s house for a weekend away from college. Asleep that Saturday night, she had a vivid dream. “I hesitate to even call it a dream, because there was something far more real about it,” she said.
In that dream, she gave birth to the child, who was a girl. “It’s like the air spoke, and told me her name was Ashley.” A nurse tried to hand her the newborn, but she refused. “I wouldn’t touch her. I couldn’t take her. I could not find it in myself to accept her,” Lori recalled.
So the nurse gave the infant to her boyfriend, who sat down to hold the child. “He was in love with her instantly.”
The dream skipped forward and the little girl was about three years old, a beautiful child with long blonde curls. She and Lori were walking together down a street lined with little shops. They stopped to enter one of them. “Something in me just wanted to tell her how much I loved her and how sorry I was,” Lori said. “But I couldn’t speak. It wouldn’t come out.
“She turned toward me and looked me right in the eye. ‘It’s OK, Mommy. I understand.’ She went on into the shop, and I woke up. I remember the incredible sense of joy and peace. I really wanted to hang onto that.”
Later that day, Lori learned that her boyfriend had experienced the first part of the dream the prior night, too, after he supplied her with exact details she left out of her description of her dream to him.
After her abortion, Lori struggled with confusion and mixed feelings. The dream message from the soul that wanted to be her daughter provided some help, but when Lori was pregnant with the daughter she gave birth to, those painful feelings resurfaced, much to her surprise.
When this daughter arrived in the physical world, Lori’s mother-in-law kept calling the newborn Grace, which was not the name she was given ultimately. But the word rang a bell for Lori, who regarded the child as a second chance to have a daughter, her “saving grace.”
In the shower one morning, it occurred to Lori that her daughter was the same soul as Ashley, whom she thought of at the time as her saving grace because even though it was unwanted, the pregnancy moved Lori to take stock of her life and do some work on herself.
Once Lori made the connection between the two daughters, her mother-in-law never again referred to the child as Grace. That seemingly strange incident of a short-term name was this soul’s way of helping her mother to realize that she had come back to her and is now growing up.
More to come on transforming what may seem like a tragedy into healing resolution, learning, and perhaps even a bit of wisdom. And how to end a pregnancy without drugs or surgery.